Parent Agreement Parent Name(Required) First Last Player Name(Required) First Last Parent Email(Required) Consent(Required) I agree to the no inappropriate language policy.No inappropriate language or trash talking toward players, coaches, umpires, or staff. This includes our team as well as the opposing team. Parents are not to make disparaging remarks, period.Consent(Required) I agree to the policy to wait at least 24 hours before communicating with staff after a game.Parents will wait at least 24 hours before communicating with the staff after a game. If you have a situation of concern, contact the coach with your thoughts. If the issue is not resolved, the coach will notify Action and attempt to resolve the issue with fairness to both parties at the lowest level.Consent(Required) I agree to not approach the dugout for any reason during a game.Players need to hear one message from one voice...his coach. No parents are to approach the dugout for any reason during a game. Players need to manage their own drinks and gear.Consent(Required) I agree to not make excuses or place blame.Players need to learn from their mistakes. Do not make excuses or place blame. Baseball is a game of failure and success. The player will learn from both experiences.Consent(Required) I agree to be positive.Be positive with your son when practices and games are over. Let him start the conversation after he has had time to unwind, reflect and process. Feed him positively!!Consent(Required) I agree to not show animosity or jealousy toward any of my player's teammates.Do not show animosity or jealousy toward any of your player's teammates. This type of behavior can destroy a team's chemistry and will not be tolerated. Our goal is to teach your player to perform as a member of a 'team'. A 'team' gives credit to the team, not the individual accomplishments of players. A player will represent his own abilities greatest when he is representing himself maturely and supporting his teammates in success. It is amazing what can be accomplished when no one cares who gets the credit.Consent(Required) I agree to the not coach from the bleachers.No coaching from the bleachers, this will not be tolerated at any time. Parents that coach from the bleachers or outside the field will be asked to stop or their child will be asked to sit with them in the bleachers for the remainder of the game.Consent(Required) I agree to make my son proud by always acting appropriately and with his best interest in mind.Remember that your son is being evaluated not only by the staff, but by the recruiting community. If recruiters have interest in your son, they will look to you and evaluate your behavior as well. Please make your son proud by always acting appropriately and with his best interest.Consent(Required) I agree to adhere to the Action Fee Policy and pay my dues accordingly.I have read, understand and will adhere to the Action Fee Policy document. I will pay fees accordingly. Consent(Required) I agree to allow Action to use photos of my player on the Action website and social media.I understand any photos I share on the Action website become the property of Action and can be used as Action sees fit. Consent(Required) I agree to BE KIND!Today's Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Typed Name Signature(Required) By providing the name of the parent/guardian completing the form, you are signing that you understand your responsibility as a parent with Action Baseball Club to follow the guidelines above and you will be held accountable if you do not follow these guidelines. Δ